Monday, February 23, 2009

boycott! boycott!

what do u think?

mcm org kata, ditelan mati mak,luah mati bapak

im not talking on the others

but focusing on the fast food service

i can see the impact and guess what,previously i requested for delivery,sumtymes it took me more than hour to wait.

but yesterday,less then 30 minutes.

two questions arises:

a) da byk runner?
b) bcos of this boycotting campaign

when i asked the delivery boy to keep the change,u can see the cheerful face of him
he was like thanking me lots of tyme
even it is not that much

as long as our intention not to support the bloody people to attack Gaza,it still be counted as supporting those people?

i dun wanna b in that circle of JAHAT people yg support US.

#typical lurus bendul yg ikot org cakap.smpai terpaksa cancel utk beli ape2 kerana BOYCOTT punye season.

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